Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Gifford Chess Congress Jun-11

More pictures.
Photos by Michelle Hamalala

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Donation to Gifford High School Chess Club / Library

Books for the boys.  Thank you to an Angel at DHL for helping get the books to Bulawayo

Chess Results - Gifford High School

 Three of our boys
 Victor Muchemwa U14
 Tatenda Simoyi     U16
 Jeffeson Metha      U20

Qualified to represent Bulawayo Province at National Scholars Championships.

At the National Championships held at Jameson High,Kadoma,two of our boys did well.

Victor Muchemwa was position 1 in the under 14 section scoring 7 1/2 pts out of 9.

Tatenda Simoyi was 3rd in the under 16 age group.

Victor Muchamwa recieved a Gold Shield Tatenda Simoyi "a Bronze Shield.

The Gifford Congress - 4th June 2011.

Chess Teacher