Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Gifford Resources on Web

I am totally blown away by links I got from Herbert Muzdzamba.  I had searched for it but never found it.  Gifford High School has been on the web for years.  Check these fantastic links out.

Gifford's current history needs to be put on the net in order to preserve if for future generations.  The Gifford Initiative will work towards this.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Queen Palm Tree Ceremony

I remember the Headmaster Mr Menne presiding over a queen palm tree planting cerermony.  Can't exactly remember what was being commemorated.  Old Giffordians... anyone out there got the memory of an elephant?

Yesterday's Pleasant Surprise

I got a call from the Gifford High School Administration!  I am impressed and encouraged to keep working on the the objectives of the Gifford Initiative.  Communication on what is happening on the ground will be essential to keep the wider Gifford High School community informed so that they they can easily identify how they can help the school.  The website, blog and newsletter will get things moving.  There are a lot of Old Giffordians out there that want to do something for Gifford!  The Gifford Initiative working with the Gifford High School Administration wants to make that a whole lot easier for them.  Getting calls from the Gifford Administration every now and then makes this a whole lot easier!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Behind Schedule

The biggest challenge for the Gifford Initiative has been time and cost effective communication lines with the current school administration. I'm still struggling with trying to get the right formula in balancing work pressure, personal commitments and working on the Gifford Initiative. I'd imagine the same is the case for many Old Giffordians who would like to do something for Gifford. 

One of the Gifford Initiative's objectives is to try to make it easier for Old Boys to help their old school. I need this help too! I've found it to be more of a challenge than I had imagined, but will persevere. With your help - Old Giffordians, Gifford Administration and Gifford High School's well wishers we can collectively achieve something.