Monday, September 27, 2010

Zimbabwean Textbook Supplier Quote

I emailed a Zimbabwean textbook supplier over the weekend to get price
information for textbooks and I now have all the price information I
asked for. I'm impressed with their service so far. Zimbabwe has
never been geared to business over the internet so my expectations
have been exceeded!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Productive & Fruitful Sunday

Today was a fantastic day; in a random chat with a friend in New Zealand, I got to know of One Tribe, I Googled them and visited their page on Facebook.  I was pleased to learn of their Project Textbook, something the Gifford Initiative can learn and draw inspiration from.  I made a few useful contacts today and a former classmate - Alfred Chifaka made a very firm commitment to help with the Gifford Initiative. 

A friend who attended CBC in Bulawayo has also pledged another textbook.  I'm encouraged and excited by all this.  Hope to raise a significant number of textbooks for Gifford High School.  Am loving Facebook right now.  Wouldn't have got this far this soon without it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Website has gone live:

Finally the website is up.  The site needs more development to give it the right feel.  It has the basic information to get things started.  Will now work on refining it.