Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Programme officer on the ground

Having a programme officer on the ground is helping, we'll be doing a formal introduction of The Gifford Initiative to the administration this week and work on setting up structures to work with the school's administration to achieve the set out objectives.  Everyone is on holiday at the moment so it will take a while.  Have a lot of energy for the programme right now and need to get past all the 'admin stuff' and start achieving results.  Everything has a process I guess.  I can't wait to get past setting up the basic structures so that Gifford Old Boys interested in participating can collectively develop a programme of action.  Have received lots of encouragement from Old Boys interested in donating their time and some resources in order to do something for Gifford.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Gifford Gardens

During my visit to Gifford it was encouraging to see the product of
some hard work by the grounds staff.

Behind Schedule

Its been hectic at work and haven't had the time to spend on the Gifford Initiative.  Running things by remote control ain't easy, the good news though for now is that the Gifford Initiative has its first volunteer!  My sister, Michelle Hamalala has volunteered to be the Initiative's Programme Officer, she's going to be vital in getting things moving on the ground and am excited by the prospect of making some headway on the project.  Welcome on board Michelle.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Struggling for time

Am struggling for time to work on the Gifford Initiative project.  Time is the biggest hurdle apart from the distance.  I remember commenting to Mrs Mukonondera of the Gifford School Development Association (SDA) that Gifford is close to the hearts of many old boys, but we're too busy going about living, that when it becomes an effort to help Gifford it ranks low on the priority list.  The Gifford Initiative is about making it easier for Gifford's well wishers to help.  I'll have to make the time to make it a reality.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Familiar Gifford faces from two decades years ago!

It was fantastic to see familiar faces from two decades ago! Hadn't
expected for find anyone that I remembered or surprisingly someone who
actually remembered me as a student! My brief visit to Gifford in
July 2010 was just fantastic

Gifford Initiative - Facebook just got its first visitor

Pleasantly surprised that Cyril Equality McKop found the Gifford Initiative site on facebook and tagged some photos.  Haven't publicised it yet.